Kris Boudt
Author of 10 CRAN packages
Kris Boudt has been quite busy, working on 10 packages. You could say Kris Boudt is on a coding spree! Keep up the great work! Kris Boudt teamed up with 40 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
10 Packages
- DEoptimGlobal Optimization by Differential Evolution
- GASGeneralized Autoregressive Score Models
- MSGARCHMarkov-Switching GARCH Models
- PeerPerformanceLuck-Corrected Peer Performance Analysis in R
- PerformanceAnalyticsEconometric Tools for Performance and Risk Analysis
- PortfolioAnalyticsPortfolio Analysis, Including Numerical Methods for Optimization of Portfolios
- RcppDEGlobal Optimization by Differential Evolution in C++
- RiskPortfoliosComputation of Risk-Based Portfolios
- highfrequencyTools for Highfrequency Data Analysis
- sentometricsAn Integrated Framework for Textual Sentiment Time Series Aggregation and Prediction
- Katharine Mullen
- David Ardia
- Joshua Ulrich
- Brian Peterson
- Leopoldo Catania
- Keven Bluteau
- Alexios Ghalanos
- Denis-Alexandre Trottier
- Nabil Bouamara
- Sebastien Legros
- Ross Bennett
- Brian G. Peterson
- Justin M. Shea
- Peter Carl
- Eric Zivot
- Dries Cornilly
- Eric Hung
- Matthieu Lestel
- Kyle Balkissoon
- Diethelm Wuertz
- Anthony Alexander Christidis
- R. Douglas Martin
- Zeheng 'Zenith' Zhou
- Xinran Zhao
- Guy Yollin
- Hezky Varon
- Xiaokang Feng
- Yifu Kang
- Dirk Eddelbuettel extending DEoptim (by David Ardia, Katharine Mullen, Brian Peterson, Joshua Ulrich) which itself is based on DE-Engine (by Rainer Storn)
- Rainer Storn
- Dirk Eddelbuettel
- Jean-Philippe Gagnon-Fleury
- Emil Sjoerup
- Onno Kleen
- Jonathan Cornelissen
- Scott Payseur
- Giang Nguyen
- Samuel Borms
- Jeroen Van Pelt
- Andres Algaba